Math Bits - April 2023

Minnesota Council of Teachers of Mathematics


Annual Spring Conference 2023 

Mathematics for Each and Everyone! 

Early Bird Registration Closes April 13

Yes, the Annual Spring Conference will return to a full conference on Friday, April 21 and Saturday, April 22 in Duluth! Peter Liljedahl, the author of Building Thinking Classrooms will be Friday's keynote speaker. 

Friday Keynote: Building Thinking Classrooms with Peter Liljedahl


Saturday Keynote

Spring Conference Registration

URGENT Request for easels at the Spring Conference

MCTM is in need of 40 easels to be used by conference participants during the symposium and conference.  Participants in groups of 2-3 will be writing on white boards at the easels.  We need your help!

We are also in need of something rigid (the approximate size of chart paper) to put on the easel to hold the wipe-book.  This can be a 'whiteboard' or a piece of plywood or...  If you can bring something like this, we would LOVE it.  

If you are able to bring an easel to the Symposium/Spring Conference to be used from 8am Thursday, April 20th to Saturday, April 22nd at noon, please complete this GoogleForm

If you have items you need help transporting to Duluth, we can work with you to make that happen.  

Thank you. 


MN Legislative Update

House Bill 651 - Financial Literacy  is moving forward in the MN House.The bill proposes that a 1/2 credit for personal finance be required for HS graduation and that this credit could replace ½ credit of Algebra 2.

The below link contains the details of the proposed change.  

Proposed changes to HS graduation requirements


Learn more about an Equity and Excellence Framework for Mathematics in Minnesota to guide you in creating more equitable learning environments in this article by Lesa Covington Clarkson and Fawnda Norman. 

In this month's Building a Thinking Classroom Together, Jessica shares how she's implemented part 4 of BTC - grading and recording data. 

Check out these three tips from the Spring Conference Committee on How to Plan for Your Conference so you can get the most out of the Spring Conference later this month. 

Are you ready for Fun for Each and Every One!? Check out all the ways you can socialize and connect with the Minnesota Math Community at the Spring Conference in this article.

Learn about how Jane explores new teaching tools like a magpie in an article this week by the Region 8 Director, Jane Juten. 


The MCTM Foundation is supporting 33 people as they attend the Spring Conference this month.  This was made possible by your support.  Learn which grants were awarded and how you can give back to the Foundation while you attend the conference in this month's Foundation Update

Invitation to join a virtual MN Math Leaders PLC 

Are you a mathematics coach, specialist, or curriculum lead?  Are you interested in a virtual PLC for math leaders?  Join with your colleagues to discuss curriculum, instruction, or topics generated by members.  The next meeting is Tuesday, April 11 from 1 to 3 PM.  Please forward this to interested colleagues.  If you would like to join this PLC group, please email with your contact information. 

Math On-A-Stick seeking Committee Members

The Math On--A-Stick committee of the MCTM Board seeks 3-to-5 volunteers for monthly, remote meetings to organize procedures, digital resources, and physical materials to support and implement this annual event. More Information

Stay connected with MCTM by following us on social media.

Renew your MCTM Membership  Is it time to renew or start a new sustaining membership for $25?  Sustaining memberships go toward supporting the Annual Spring Conference, promotes networking and professional learning opportunities.

Update your MCTM swag at the Spring Conference!!

New MCTM items will be available at the Spring Conference.  Get a sneak peak below!  In the meantime, check out the MCTM Store at sale items!  Orders are shipped and received within the same week.  There are great items from $26 - $46.  Price includes shipping. 

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MCTM: PO Box 130816, Roseville, MN 55113