Our conference theme this year is “From Standards to Success: Creating Pathways for Each and Every Learner.” Kicking off the conference will be Howie Hua during Friday's opening session. For our closing session, we’re thrilled to welcome Latrenda Knighten, the newly inducted president of NCTM.
Symposium Description: As many teachers look to add high-yield tasks to their repertoire, the struggle to make it all work becomes real. Let's examine how problem-based lessons can be used throughout the scope of a unit and how we can harness their power to move student thinking forward. We'll identify strategies and explore tasks that help us find a healthy balance between application, conceptual understanding, and procedural fluency.
The Progression Videos are a series of videos that show how math concepts build and grown through the grade levels.
This session will address the proposed 2022 MN Academic Standard for Mathematics Number Five, Number Relationships.
Twitter: @gfletchy
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/gfletchy/
“All of us are smarter than one of us.” – Graham Fletcher
WHEN: Thursday, April 24, 2025 9:00A.M. - 3:30P.M.
WHERE: Duluth, DECC on Harbor Side
PRESENTER: Graham Fletcher, Lead presenter with Howie Hua as a featured guest
COST: 1-4 participants $220 per person, after 4 registrations from the same district/group, the next 5 or more participants are at $175. One free administrator registration for every four 4 registrations.
Limit of 10 registrations per district
Consider presenting at the 2025 Spring Conference this year! Have you never presented? Are you nervous to present? Read last month's MathBits article about why your experience is valuable! We are requesting PreK-2 proposals until January 10, 2025.
Submit speaker registration here: bit.ly/MCTMproposal25
Improving the Conditions for Learning at Crest View Elementary
I was recently asked by some school board members; “How much direct instruction is used in math classrooms? What’s the percentage of the time?
This question was likely prompted by the MN Read Act and I think unintentionally is the wrong question. We should be asking the question from the MN Department of Education Commitment to Equity
How are we improving the conditions for learning?
This question is something we work hard to achieve at our school, Crest View Elementary. We have had a lot of positive results and one we are especially proud of is ranking #1 in Minnesota for our math growth between 2022 and 2023. READ MORE
Article by Laura Wagenman, President Elect
Use and Connect Mathematical Representations
MathBits continues its exploration of the new professional development material added to the Minnesota STEM Teacher Website last spring. This month focuses on using and connecting mathematical representations. This instructional practice is intrinsically intertwined with the posing questions to elicit student thinking and the skills a teacher needs to facilitate mathematical discourse in the classroom. Read more about what this might look like in your classroom regardless if you teach kindergarten or calculus. READ MORE
Article by James Brickwedde, Project for Elementary Mathematics
Adversarial collaboration: the way to bridge the ‘great maths divide’?
Teachers and school district leaders are always looking for the best means to support Tier 2 and 3 students in ways that will most effectively bring the students up to grade level and beyond. How research around best practices or evidence-based practices is tapped for this process is often fraught between competing ideologies. Attention to the Science of Reading is stimulating conversations about what, if any, is its counterpart in mathematics. This is one of a set of articles to come that is designed to help navigate understanding the perspectives and, unfortunately, the politics behind research claims. What is the difference between evidence-based and research-based instructional practices? And how does understanding those differences inform our instructional decision-making choices?
Amie Albrecht is a professor of mathematics education at the University of South Australia. Her blog posts are well written and insightful. We encourage you to explore her work. She has granted MCTM permission to reprint her June 2023 post on the concept of adversarial collaboration. Rather than getting into a fight about which research perspective is better than another, adversarial collaboration is based on the idea of finding the commonalities in one's position for the betterment, in the case of our work, of our students. Read her post here.
Article by Amie Albrecht, University of South Australia
New Year, New M3 Challenge
The limit does not exist! We have lifted the restriction of two teams per school. Starting this year, all eligible students who wish to compete can form a team. Register now.
Ready, set, go! The new Challenge weekend start time is 12:01 a.m. ET / 5:01 a.m. GT on Friday, February 28, allowing more time on Friday for teams in the U.K.
Introducing SPARK Awards
New scholarships for teams that develop Solutions with Passion, Resourcefulness, and Knowledge
M3 Challenge 2025 will debut three SPARK awards, which will be given to teams from Title 1 eligible schools in the U.S. that demonstrate excellence and creativity in solving one or more parts of the Challenge problem. Read more about these and other M3 Challenge awards.
The next M3 Challenge webinar, focusing on getting a head-start on Challenge weekend by using a solution template, will take place Thursday, January 16, at 2:30 p.m. ET. Mark this and other upcoming webinars on your 2025 calendar! |
Featured Video
Throwback! In 2025, we're celebrating the 20th anniversary of M3 Challenge! Stay tuned to find out how we’ll be commemorating this milestone, and in the meantime, enjoy this retrospective video from the 10th anniversary.
We'd love to hear from you! Send your team photos, stories, advice, and suggestions to:
MathWorks Math Modeling Challenge (M3 Challenge)
Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics
3600 Market Street
Philadelphia, PA 19104, USA
Copyright © 2024 MathWorks Math Modeling Challenge, All rights reserved.
2025 Math Leader Book Clubs
Sign-ups for the 2025 (January - April) Minnesota Math Leader Book Club Group sign-ups will open on the MCTM Events Page soon. You can also sign up for the book clubs HERE. Groups will meet virtually 3-5 evenings in informal conversations centered around the book. More information will come out soon. Buy your books and join MN Math Leaders in deepening your learning around mathematics learning and instruction. All groups are free to join. BYOB (bring your own book). Your facilitators will reach out to you as the book clubs get underway. Questions: mctm@mctm.org
One Stop Shop Page for all MN Math Links and Resources
Are you struggling to find a Minnesota Math link or Resource? Try starting with the One-stop shop google doc that links to Minnesota Math standards, assessment links, videos and more. On this page you will find an updated 2024-25 PD calendar and information on MDE office hours. It is recommended you bookmark this page as it is updated often. ProTip ‘Ctrl F’ or ‘Command F’ allows you to FIND a word you are looking for on the document.
MN Math Leaders has its own page on the MCTM website!
The MN Math Leaders Group has its own page on the MCTM website. More information will be coming to this page soon. Did you know it is FREE to join this group? Find the link to join the group on this page and please share with others. We are on a mission to have at least one person from all 500+ MN school districts connected to this group.
As a reminder, the MN Math Leader group has monthly PLC meetings on the 3rd Tuesday (from 12:30-2:30 p.m) and 3rd Thursday’s (from 4-6 p.m.). This group is open to all MN Math teachers and district leaders. November’s PLC dates are November 19th and 21st.
Did you know MCTM has an active YouTube Channel?
Are you subscribed to MCTM’s YouTube Channel?
In the 2024-25 School year MCTM will be releasing over a dozen Math PD videos, most of which come with PD module links in the description to be used by MN sites/districts to support math learning across the state.
This fall we have released 7 videos of recent MCTM webinars:
If you are interested in creating math content for the MCTM YouTube channel, reach out to mctm@mctm.org .
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If you no longer wish to receive these emails, you can unsubscribe at any time. MCTM: PO Box 130816, Roseville, MN 55113